Your Best Chance To Fast Track Your Business To 7 Figures Per Month.
Find Out Why Some Of The Top Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, And Authors In The World Are Hiring Myron Golden To Coach Them On How To Make Money Faster In Their Business And From Stage...
And How Many Of His Students Are Having Six And Even Seven Figure Days.
Get Your VIP Day... 
 (Learn Business Principles To Scale Your Business Fast)
Hear What Myron's Students Are Saying...

Who Is This Offer For?

Is your current revenue between $50,000 and $500,000 per month, and yet you feel stuck?

Do you know your numbers? How many leads are you generating per month? How many core product sales do you make per month? How many premium value offer sales do you make per month? What is your current monthly revenue from continuity?

Are you ready to take immediate action?

Who Is This Offer NOT For?

Entrepreneurs who do not currently make at least $50,000 per month.

Entrepreneurs who do not have at least $300,000 in liquid cash.

Entrepreneurs who are not ready to take action to 10x their current revenue.

What's Included With In A VIP Day?

1. 8 hours of one on one coaching with Myron Golden.

2. Fly on a private jet with Myron Golden to an event where Myron will be speaking (inside the ropes, back stage pass) and complete breakdown of how Myron is going to do a multiple 6 or seven figure day.

3. 1 year in Myron Golden’s King Solomon's Court ($55,000 per year).

4. Higher level access to Myron Golden and his team.

5. 1 day access to Skillionaire HQ Studios to host a recorded hybrid (live and virtual event). 

6. Be interviewed by Myron Golden live on his YouTube channel (the channel is getting over 785,000 views per month).

Who This Mastermind Is For...

If you already have a business doing between $10,000 and $50,000 dollars per month in revenue and you are looking for a way to grow what's already working for you, then this is definitely right up your ally!

If you are an author, speaker, coach or consultant who is already having success and your students, clients and customers are more like raving fans and you are looking to scale, then this is exactly what you have been looking for! 

If you have a service oriented business and you are looking for a way to totally productize your business or add a product selling element to your service business, then this is for you! 

If you are a speaker who has been negatively impacted by COVID 19 and you've had a lot of your events canceled then this is for you. 

If you are a speaker who would like to raise your speaker fee without the fear of losing speaking gigs then this training is definitely for you. 

Get Ready To Fast Track Your Business And Your Income!

Please Note: This is a $350,000 investment and there are no payment plans. If you are not at a level in your business where this is possible for you, please do not apply!

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